
Archive for April, 2010

It’s getting close!

April 14, 2010 Leave a comment

Of all the times for me to decide to update my blog, now probably isn’t the best. I should be studying for an exam right now (I have been studying – just taking a break). I’ve been getting overwhelmed a bit over the past couple weeks, and perhaps now is as good a time as any to vent a bit.

Work has been a bit crazy. Starting the last week of March and continuing through the end of last week, I was working on a couple “Incidents,” as we refer to them, which put me about 3 weeks behind on my other projects. I am now attempting to catch up on those, but it will be awhile.

As far as college goes, I just met with my academic advisor, Diane, to finalize the last little bit of paperwork I had outstanding, so that now all I have to do is concentrate on finishing the next couple weeks, and finals.

Wrapping up an epic journey in pursuit of my Associate Degree, I am just now beginning to realize that 12 years have passed since I graduated high school, and I will turn 30 a week after my graduation.  I suppose it is a bit fitting that I reach two milestones simultaneously.  My 20’s weren’t exactly easy.  It seems that from 2004 on, I have been caught in a whirlwind.  And even as I started to figure some things out in 2007 and on, that only meant that I had steeper, more abundant hills to climb.  Since Connor was 2 years old, I have been in one form of major transition or another.  Much of my time spent in police academy or college.

So now that I am wrapping up a college milestone, and taking some time off to enjoy life a bit, I’m not really sure what I will do with myself.  I hope I don’t waste my free time, but life happens and even the best made plans are laid to waste.

I suppose that’s it for now.  Maybe I’ll have something more profound to write about in the coming days and weeks.  Until then, I better get back to the “books.”

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